Nitro page 16


1. One small correction must be made to the above story: Although I have not read the story or MiST in question, I have been told that the MiSTers involved didn't have to work excessively hard to "paint" Gonterman as described.

2. Top panel: Another of Gonterman's superhuman talents, as displayed here, is the ability to make glasses appear on his face in mid-sentence without appearing to put them on.

3. To sum up Roll's assessment in panel three: People who don't like Gonterman's work have this opinion only because they are egotistical. Let this be a lesson: there are many dangers involved when you get all your knowledge from the Internet.

4. Bottom left panel: Some note must be made of Gonterman's use of the Japanese suffix "chan," which in this context is as incongruous as Barry Manilow at a Rancid show.

5. Bottom right panel: You know exactly where this is going, but you can't turn away, right?