Nitro page 8


1. I'm not really sure when "Dark Sonic" was turned into a woman, but, if I may editorialize a bit, still feel it to be pretty goddamn fucked-up.

2. Second panel: SMAK has been explained previously; BAM refers to Blood and Metal, the Sonic the Hedgehog work mentioned earlier. In this panel, Sonic the Hedgehog is being beaten up because no one likes Gonterman. That this is solely Sonic's fault is a given, if, of course, you are David Gonterman.

3. Bottom left panel: More inside references. The impenetrability of Gonterman's written work is the main reason why I have no clue what Sonic did specifically. The dialogue may or may not be relevant to the flying chess pieces (pawns specifically) in this panel.

4. I was going to make a comment on the lightsaber line, but after some consideration felt it should really stand on its own.